Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-Political Science Al-USA) Political Science Nature Theories and State Function Set-(USA) Political Science Evolutionary Socialism set-(USA) Political Science Evolutionary Socialism set-(USA) Political Science International Law Set-(USA) Political Science Development Theories and Under Development set-(USA) Political Science The Rights Set-(USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-(USA) Political Science Parliamentary and Presidential Systems Set/2 Sample Test,Sample questions

  A Parliamentary government cannot operate without:

1.A written constitution

2.An independent judiciary

3.Political parties

4.A rigid constitution

  In a Parliamentary form of government the members of the Council of Ministers:

1.Are always taken from the Parliament

2.Are never taken from the Parliament

3.May be taken from Parliament but have to resign their seats as soon as they assume charge as Ministers

4.None of the above

  In a Parliamentary system of government

1.The members of Cabinet cannot be members of Parliament

2. Members of the Cabinet cannot be members of Parliament

3.Members of the Cabinet are appointed for a fixed term and cannot be removed before the expiry of that term

4. The members of Cabinet hold office during the pleasure of the Parliament

  One of the chief merits of Presidential system of government is that:

1. It enables the country to avail the services of experts

2.It provides autocratic power to the executive

3.The executive can easily shift its responsibility to the Legislature

4.The executive is accountable to the elected representatives of the people

  The head of the executive under a Presidential system is representative in so far as

1.He is an elected representative of the people

2.He can address the people whenever he chooses

3.People can approach him any time

4.He consults the elected representatives of the people on all important national issues

  The head of the state under Presidential system enjoys:

1.Nominal powers

2.Real powers

3. Dictatorial powers

4.No powers

  The members of the Cabnit under Presidential government are:

1.Taken from all political parties in proportion to their strength in the legislature

2.Are taken from the Party to which the President belongs

3.Are not taken from any particular party

4.Are taken from amongst the non-partisan persons

  The Presidential government operates on the principle of:

1.Separation of powers

2.Division of powers

3.Fusion of powers

4.Centralization of powers

  Under the Parliamentary system the departments are allocated to the various ministers by:

1.The President

2.The Prime Minister

3.By draw of lots

4.On the basis of the preference indicated by ministers

  Which one of the following governments operates on the principle of collective responsibility?
A. Parliamentary B. Presidential
C. Unitary D. Federal





  Which one of the following statements is correct?

1.Parliamentary government promotes despotism of government

2.An alternative government is not possible under Parliamentary government

3.Parliamentary government encourages partisan feeling

4.The civil servants are rendered ineffective under Parliamentary government

  Which one of the followings has been wrongly listed as a feature of Parliamentary form of government?

1.Presence of a nominal or titular head of state

2.Separation of powers

3.Collective responsibility of Cabinet

4.Accountability of executive to the legislature

 Generally the members of the Cabinet under a Parliamentary system are:

1.Taken from the same political party

2.Taken from various political parties according to their strength in the legislature

3.Taken on the basis of merit

4.Taken from amongst persons who are not members of legislature

 In a parliamentary form of a government:

1.The legislature is responsible to Judiciary

2.The legislature is responsible to the executive

3.The executive is responsible to the legislature

4.The Judiciary is responsible to the legislature

 In a Parliamentary form of government:

1.The legislature is responsible to the executive

2.The executive is responsible to the legislature

3.The legislature is responsible to the judiciary

4.The legislature controls the executives as well as the Judiciary

 In a Parliamentary system of government the Prime Minister is generally:

1.A member of the popular house

2.A member of the upper house

3.Not a member of either houses of Parliament

4.An experienced civil servant

 In Presidential Government:

1.President is the head of state

2.The executive is subordinate to the legislature

3.The legislature is subordianate to the executive

4.The legislature and executive are independent of each other

 The Cabinet under the Parliamentary system of government:

1.Can get the legislature dissolved before the expiry of its normal term

2.Cannot get the legislature dissolved before normal term

3.Can get the legislature dissolved after seeking advice from the Judiciary

4.Can get the legislature dissolved with the consent of all political parties

 The executive under Presidential government:

1.Enjoys a fixed tenure

2.Holds office during pleasure of the legislature

3.Holds office during the pleasure of the King

4.Holds office during the pleasure of party bosses

 The members of the Cabinet under Presidential System:

1.Play an important role in initiating legislation

2.Do not play any role in legislation because they are not members of Legislature

3.Can paly an effective role in legislation only when the same Party enjoys majority in the Legislature to which the President belongs

4.None of the above

 The Parliamentary government:

1.Leads to frequent confliicts between the Legislature and the executive

2.Secures swiftness in decision and vigour in action

3.Encourages despotic tendencies of government

4.Is not able to adopt itself according to changing requirements

 The President of the U.S.A. is both more and less than a king. He is also both more and less than a Prime Minister. Who among the following commentatiors had made the above statement?

1.H.J. Laski

2. Charles Beard

3. W.B. Munro

4.C.F. Strong

 Under the President government:

1.The executive head can dissolved the legislature before its normal term

2.The legislature can oust the President by a vote of no confidence

3.The legislature can be dissolved by the President with the consent of the judiciary

4.Neither the executive can dissolve the legislature nor the legislature can remove the executive before its term

In Presidential system of government the head of the state:

1.Cannot be removed by the Legislature

2.Can be easily removed by the Legislature

3.Can be removed by the legislature through a very difficult process

4.None of the above

In Presidential system of government the President is dependent on:

1.The council of ministers

2.The ligislature

3.The political parties

4.None of the above

Parliamentary government is based on the principle of collective responsibility which means:

1.The minister is accountable to the Cabinet

2.The minister is accountable for everthing done by him to the Parliament as wel as Cabinet

3.All the ministers are collectively responsible to the legislature

4.The ministers are directly accountable to parliament as well as the electorate

Parliamentary government is based on:

1.Independence of Judiciary

2.Fusion of legislature and executive

3.Separation of the three organs of government

4.None of the above

President under Presidential system is head of:



3.State as well as government

4.None of the above

Presidential system of government is:

1.Representative responsible

2.Responsible representative

3.Neither responsible representative

4.None of the above

The Cabinet under Parliamentary government is accountable to:

1.The Council of Ministers

2.The Prime Minister

3.The legislature

4.The President

The executive is crippled by not getting the laws it needs and the legislature is spoiled by having to ad without responsibility the Executive becomes unfit for its name since it cannot execute what it decides on the legislature is demoralized by liberty by taking decisions for which others (and not itslef) will suffer the effects. About which form of government has Bagehot talked in the above statement.





The government under Parliamentary system is headed by:

1.The King

2. The Prime Minister

3.The President

4.The Cabinet

The head of state under a Parliamentary government enjoys:

1.Absolute powers

2. Limited powers

3.Nominal powers

4.No powers

The head of the state under a parliamentary government:

1.Is an elected representative

2.Is a hereditary person

3. Is a nominated person

4.May be elected hereditary or nominated person

The leader of government under Parliamentary system is:

1.Elected by all the members of the legislature

2.Always the leader of the majority party in the popular house

3.Nominated by the interests of the country

4.Selected in due consultation with the different political parties

The meetings of the Cabinet under Parliamentary government are presided over by:

1.The President

2.The Speaker

3.The ministers in rotation

4.The Prime Minister

The members of the cabinet under a Presidential system of government:

1.Are taken from the two houses of Parliament

2.Are taken from amongst persons who are not members of Parliament

3.May be taken from the popular house

4.Are nominated by the head of state on the advice of Supreme Court

The members of the Cabinet under Presidential system are:

1.Accountable to the President

2.Individually accountable to legislature

3.Collectively accountable to legislature

4.Accountable to the electorate

The Parliamentary government first developed in:





The Parliamentary system of government is good because:

1.It ensures continuity and consistency of policy

2. It makes the opposition behave in a responsible manner

3.It provides autocratic powers to the executive

4. It provides a flexible form of government

The Parlimentry Government is often described as government by:





The Presidential system of government first originated in:





The real executive power under a parliamentary government rests with:

1.The Parliament

2.The King

3.Concil of Ministers

4.The Civil Servants

To which form of government the principle of separation of powers is applicable?





Under a Parliament system of government the ministers hold office:

1.For a fixed term and cannot be removed before the expiry of that term

2.During the pleasure of the head of state

3.As long as they enjoy the confidence of majority of the members of the of legislature

4.As long as they enjoy the confidence of at least two-thirds of the members of legislature

Which one of the following countries possesses Presidential government?





Which one of the following statement not correct?

1.Parliamentary Governments is also known as Cabinet Government

2.Parliamentary Government is also known as responsible Government

3.Parliamentary Government is also known as Irresponsible Government

4.None of the above

Which one of the following statements is correct?

1.Under parliamentary government the national interests are given priority over party interests

2.Parliamentary government is based on theory of separation of powers

3.Parliamentary government provides a stable government

4.Parliamentary government is not suitable for dealing with emergencies

Which one of the following statements is correct?

1.Parliamentary government leads to neglect of administration by minister

2.The parliamentary system of government is very rigid

3.The head of state under a parliamentary government is a prominent leader of the majority party and tries to protect the party interests

4.In a parliamentary government the judiciary must be independent

Which one of the following statements is correct?

1.Presidential government ensure complete cooperation between legislature and executive

2.Presidential government ensure proper accountability of the executive to the legislature

3.There is greater possibility of a despotic rule under presidential government

4.Presidential government encourages party spirit

Which one of the following statements is not correct?

1.Parliamentary government provides a responsible government

2.Parliamentary system provides political education to people

3.Parliamentary government ensures close cooperation between executive and legislature

4.Parliamentary government prevents dictatorship of Cabinet

Which one of the following statements is not correct?

1.Presidential government ensures a stable government

2.Presidential government is more suited to deal with emergencies

3.Presidential government enables the country to avail of the services of experts

4.Presidential government cannot work properly in a country with multiple party system

Which one of the followings is a feature of Presidential government?





Who of the following occupies a key position under Parliamentary system of government?

1.The head of the state

2.The Prime Minister

3.The Vice-President

4.The Speaker


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